Wednesday, December 20, 2006 launches Free Internet Marketing Training for the Physically Challenged. launches pilot Free Internet Marketing Training with the Handicaps Welfare Association. We will be conducting a 2 day work shop for HWA members. The first series of Free Internet Marketing Workshops will be launched on 8th & 9th Jan 2007 at the HWA premise.

If you are associated with the HWA and would like to take sign up for the free internet marketing seminar, you could contact Gladys Tang from HWA at 6254-3006.

Address of Handicaps Welfare Association - 16, 18 Whampoa Drive. (Off Balestier)

My goal is to provide free Internet Marketing training for all who are physically challenged in Singapore. I sincerly believe that Internet Marketing would be able to help them lead a self-sufficient, meaningful and dignified life. Should you have any friends that are from charitable organizations who might be interested to let me train their members, do feel free to contact me at the following address.

+65 9782-2682

As our tagline says "Creating A New World", we walk the talk.


Edmund Ng,
CEO, President